How We Sustainably & Mindfully Source Our Iconic Essential Oils

How We Sustainably & Mindfully Source Our Iconic Essential Oils
How We Sustainably & Mindfully Source Our Iconic Essential Oils
How We Sustainably & Mindfully Source Our Iconic Essential Oils

All our essentials oils are sustainably sourced


Supplied by Boswellness from Somalia (distilled in Vermont USA)

We have recently started working with a new Sandalwood

DSO are 50% owned by indigenous people
which is very rare, and they recently picked up a UN Equator Prize which
“recognises outstanding local communities and Indigenous Peoples’
initiatives that advance innovative, nature-based development solutions to
lessen the effects of and adapt to climate change.”

Their quality of material is second to
none, with responsible production of sandalwood that is even tracked using GPS.
The management, harvesting and production of the oil requires extraordinary
patience and confidence, as the trees only start producing high quality
oil from and age of 17 years onwards. “
Luke, Aromatherapy Associates Master Blender

 Find our more on their initiative here

In our Deep Relax Blend

shop Deep Relax


Supplied by Boswellness from Somalia (distilled in Vermont USA)

“This particular ingredient has historically faced challenges when sourcing
responsibly partially due to the political and cultural climate where the
trees grow.

After much searching and collaboration, we
were delighted to be able to acquire consistently high-quality product
from a company that shares our values.”

Luke, Aromatherapy Associates Master



In our De-Stress Mind Blend

shop De-Stress Mind
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