How Do You #JOMO?

We’ve been asking you all to take a moment for yourselves this January and embrace the joy of missing out. We've asked around Aromatherapy Associates HQ to let you know how we love to #JOMO
“I like to light the Rose Candle and snuggle up on the sofa with dinner and an episode of Billions."
“I love to get an early night in and get ready for a good night's rest! My favourite products are the Deep Relax and Shower Oil and Body Oil which leave my skin soft and hydrated and calm my mind.”
“Once the kids are down, the atomiser is on, and I've washed my face and applied every possible skincare step; it’s time for some feel-good music whilst prepping dinner. A cuddle with the dog after she's nabbed some leftovers never goes amiss either!”
“There is nothing that can beat a hot bath: feeling sad - have a bath; feeling cold or under the weather - have a bath; tired? - bath; need a good pamper night - bath, bath, bath! And when you match the bath oils with the mood... perfection. A cure for everything!
"I love to light the candles as I run a bath and let the Rose Pink Clay Mask work its magic on my face and scalp. Generous pumps of the de-stress muscle oil all over after a soak make for the perfect night-in."
You can shop our Pink Rose Clay Mask in our Dreamy Night In Edit. A stunning 3-piece set to help you perfect your #JOMO moment.