Reset Your Sleep Cycle for Winter

Discover our expert tips on how to ease insomnia and enjoy a restful night sleep by following our relaxing aromatherapy bedtime rituals and breathing exercises.
Reset Your Sleep Cycle for Winter
Reset Your Sleep Cycle for Winter
Reset Your Sleep Cycle for Winter

If you’ve ever suffered from insomnia, our founder, Geraldine Howard, knew first-hand how this felt.

Geraldine knew the vital role that a sufficient, restorative and deep sleep played on our overall health and wellbeing, and she wanted as many people to experience this.

So you can maintain your sleep pattern when the clocks change this weekend and make the most of that extra hour of sleep, we share our expert tips to fall asleep quickly and stay asleep throughout the night.


Regulate Your Core Body Temperature

[full-image] Amy Bonfield, Head of Spa

Warming your body through a bath or shower an hour or two before bedtime may help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. A higher body temperature signals our sleep cycle, allowing our body core temperature to drop. This process of temperature regulation is important to stay asleep, as it is during this time that the body’s sleep hormone, melatonin, circulates in higher concentrations.

Use our Deep Relax Bath & Shower Oil, infused with our lulling essential oil blend of earthy Vetivert, soothing Camomile and pure Sandalwood oil, to complement your soak and calm your body even further. Following your bath or shower with our Relax Body Oil can offer even better results for a restorative sleep.



Create an Optimal Bedroom Environment

Your bedtime environment plays a huge factor in helping you sleep throughout the night. Our bodies like a certain light, temperature, and noise level to stay asleep for 8 hours.

To ensure we are properly resting our bodies, make your bedroom your sanctuary, and a calming environment you want to relax in. Our room fragrance oils are useful to create a serene room atmosphere that will help you feel de-stressed and leave any negative thoughts behind.  

Sandalwood and Lavender essential oils create some of the most relaxing essential oil blends, slowing down your nervous system and helping you reduce any anxiety or problems with insomnia.


Practice a Breathing Exercise

[inline-image] Deep Relax Roller Bar


If you are susceptible to insomnia, practicing a breathing exercise before bed can soothe and quiet the senses, and stimulate serotonin, a key hormone that stabilises our mood, feelings of wellbeing, and happiness, to help us stay asleep.  



Keep a Night Journal

[full-image] Amy Bonfield, Head of Spa


Stress, worries and negative emotions often causes insomnia by making it difficult to fall asleep, or by waking you throughout the night and disrupting your circadian rhythm (otherwise known as your internal body clock).

When you can’t sleep and your thoughts are racing, journaling before you turn the lights off can relax your mind, calm anxieties and help you reflect on the day — putting your worries to bed.

Diaphragmatic Breathing or abdominal breathing is how we breathe when relaxed, so breathing deliberately in this way can help calm body and mind. We need to have both a relaxed body and mind to ensure we can drift off and stay asleep.

- Amy Bonfield, Head of Spa


Journaling helps us put any challenges we’re facing into perspective, so that we are able to go to sleep having processed our thoughts and emotions of the day. Next time you find yourself up at night overthinking, try a session of mindful journaling before bed, to help cultivate positive emotions for a restful sleep.


Go to Bed at the Same Time Every Night


Sleeping at the same time every evening strengthens your sleep routine and is beneficial in not only achieving good quality sleep but increasing your mental and physical functioning during the day.

Establish an appropriate bedtime that allows you to get enough sleep to feel well-rested when you wake up - and stick to it. Maintaining a healthy and consistent sleep-wake cycle will mean your body will know when it is time to unwind for the day – making falling asleep and staying asleep much more effortless.

Bedtime routines serve two important purposes: to relax you so you naturally start to feel calmer and less alert, and to help you form habitual behaviours. It is these multiple repeats and rituals of our steps above that will form neural connections, signalling your brain that it’s time for sleep and allowing your body to rest until morning.

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